Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome to  Aota studios, this blog will be the main hub for following the various creations that I have been working on. I just finished my second Percussion Bass Dulcimer it is pictured here on the page. I currently have it involved in three separate music projects and I will be posting video of it in action very soon. It had its first live performance in Sacramento last week and it went over very well with the spectators. All of the drummers in attendance crowded around to see Justin Hanis shred the instrument and send powerful vibrations into the audience. For the record this is an original creation that I came up with about a year ago. It took about six months to create the first prototype and i have been expanding on it ever since. If you are interested in acquiring one of these instruments contact me at Thank you

I have a picture of the most recent instrument I have made it is much smaller to allow for better placement on a drum kit.